Friday, November 14, 2014

Week In Review - 14 November 2014

My week started with a bang with a Supremely, Diana Ross Tribute Show at the Woodmancote in West Sussex. The venue had a very unique layout requiring me to roam around to three different rooms. Thankfully, I was able to plug my sound system into theirs which played my backing music in each room. What was so interesting was that each room seemed to have its own personality. Admittedly, it was exhausting roaming from room to room but also invigorating because of the unique energy in each room. By the middle of the second set I got trapped in one room because people started filtering in from the other rooms. Then it turned into a right party with everybody singing and dancing along to their favourite Diana Ross tunes and more. I ran out of Diana Ross tunes for encores, so I then performed Tina Turner, Gloria Jones and Pharrell all while dressed as Diana Ross ... that was fun!

On Tuesday, I attending a meeting with the Business & Enterprise workstream of Shaping Portsmouth where we discussed some fantastic upcoming events including the Shaping Portsmouth Conference being held on 17 November being held at The Pyramids in Southsea. This event kicks off Globel Entrepreneur's Week where Entrepreneurs Unite will be offering a host of workshops and discussions.

Also on Tuesday I had a songwriting session with Dominic Elton band leader of Mayfield working on music for our forthcoming second release ... Keep On! We walked away from the session with two new songs, one with a Gospel feel reminicent of Edwin Hawkings, Oh Happy Day and the other a soulful dance tune complete with a bit of choreography! Can't wait see how these two develop.

Wednesday was back-to-back appointments starting with a meeting at the Central Library with Elizabeth Caush, Business Support Officer with Portsmouth City Council to learn about the support being offered by the council to small businesses. Elizabeth is a great resource and sign posted me to funding sources, gave me access to some marketing tools, as well as set up a free 40-minute consultation with a Intellectual Property attorney to discuss copyrights and publishing.

Then I was off to meet Sue & Helen at Creative Click marketing company to discuss them handling my social media.  After a very exciting discussion with them, I am happy to announce that they will be building a new website for GME, branding my Facebook & Twitter pages and running the social media through these sites and sending email campaigns. Watch this space for the unveiling of the new website.

Lastly, I attended a workshop at the Innovation Space in Portsmouth sponsored by Entrepreneur's Unite on Branding. Lizz Clark of LCM and her associated gave the attendees valuable information on branding our businesses and this couldn't have come at a better time seeing how I'm in the process of reinforcing the GME brand with Creative Click.

Midnight Soul Sisters (Selfie)
Today I'm prepping for gigs performing my Diana Ross Tribute Show with Move On Up at the Jolly Sailor tonight from 9pm. Then Saturday it's up to Newcastle with the Midnight Soul Sisters performing our Motown Divas show.

Marlene Hill
And finally, this month's Artist of the Month, Marlene Hill will be entertaining at the Oxford Venus Awards. Marlene was the perfect choice to support this great organization that honours women in business!

Well, that's it for this week. Have a fabulous weekend.

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